Sunday, October 10, 2010

Lights Out

Lights Out
Author: Arthur Geisert
Ages: K-6
Rating: 3 Stars
Summary: A little piglet is afraid of falling asleep in the dark. Because he cannot fall asleep he makes all sorts of inventions and things that travel all throughout his house. The reader must be very observant to notice all of the exciting things the piglet has set up. In the end, his contraptions are set up to turn out his bedside lamp so he is able to fall asleep.

I selected this book to help me complete an assignment on wordless picture books. I found the book really interesting because of the style of drawing that the author uses. Geisert uses line hatching to illustrate the story which makes the pictures even more interesting to look at. Although this was not my favorite book that I have selected, it was kind of fun to follow along with all of the contraptions that the little pig set up just to get his light to turn off after he had fallen asleep.

If I used this book in the classroom, it would be useful to help children come up with a plot to go along with the pictures. A story would help the reader define what is happening on each of the pages. Different children would all come up with a variety of ways to tell what is going on.

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