Tuesday, November 9, 2010

A Bad Case of the Stripes

A Bad Case of the Stripes
Author: David Shannon
Ages: K-2 Grades
Rating: 4 Stars
Summary: Camilla gives up lima beans out of fear of being made fun of. However, she gets a bad case of the stripes because of this and gets made fun of even more. Doctors, scientists, and specialists cannot figure out what is wrong with her, but along comes a little old lady who knows just the right cure, a handful of lima beans.

Giving up something you really like can really be a pain sometimes. This book cleverly portrays this message because trying so hard to fit in by giving up something you love can end up being worse than just accepting being different. When the text is taken less lightly, it definitely portrays bullying in a different way. Camilla wanting to stay hope from school to avoid her peers is exactly what happens in schools today. Although the text can be seen as a serious matter to take into consideration, the pages are wonderfully illustrated! The pictures add so much to the story by allowing us to see what happens to Camilla through her struggle of trying to fit in with her peers. I particularly loved each of the illustrations that changed each time Camilla changed showing her different phases through different colors and on to the next,

At some point or another, I feel that anyone can relate to Camilla’s story. Adolescence is a struggle within itself and trying to make friends who like different things can be even more difficult. Bullying, similar to what happens in this story should not be tolerated in schools because it takes away from students' learning. Sharing this story with younger kids, even older kids, can help them realize that it is okay to be different because it is what makes you who you are. 

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